Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Creation Lately

Hi My Dearest Readers,

Sorry i have not been able to update my blog lately. Well, you know the reasons: busy, busy and busy ^_^

Okay, back to business. Lately i have been making a charms bracelets. I've read a lot about charms bracelet from the internet. According to 1 interesting article i read about, people do believed in charms's power. If they wearing charms in their everyday life, they will feel protected, happier, loved, and good luck. Some might said charms can cast away any evils. Some also mention if charms related to magic spells. However, it all comes back to you whether you believe it or not. If you ask me, i'm a 50-50 person.

These are some shapes or symbols people often use as charms:
(source from
Dolphin => joy & fun
Butterfly => color of life
Crossed or Angle => blessed life
Dragonfly => good fortune
Elephant => cherished memories
Flower => blossoming love
Heart => true love
Key => happy home
Ladybug / shamrock => good luck
Star => wishes granted
Rose => beauty
Owl => wisdom

These days, charms not only for good luck or casting evils, but they are here as a fashion statements. Many fashion brands like Juicy Couture make very funky, chunky and unique charms bracelets. Also thanks to Pirates of Caribbean movies, a lot of brands using skulls, swords, guns as their charms and we absolutely adore them.

I think i write a lot ^_^ better moving to see my creation.

Let's Make Them.

For the 1st charms bracelet i made, i'm using sea life charms, got sea shell, dolphin, star fish, turtle and even mythical creature like mermaid. Combined with faux pearls in pale blue, teal and chinese crystals. Blue color to present color of the sea.

Sea shell and dolphin charms.

Turtle and star fish charms.

I called this bracelet as midnight, cause moon only come out on night time, accompanied by stars. To complement i combined with chinese crystals in black metallic, faceted black cat eye beads and faux pearls in grey.

Stars charms with chinese crystals, faceted cat-eye beads and grey faux pearls.

Girly and feminine. I used 3 different shapes of butterflies, combined with ladybug and honey bee charms. To add the feminine i used light pink and light blue acrylic beads and light pink and light blue chinese crystals.

The ladybug charm is 1 of my favorite.

Honeybee charm is 1 of my best selling charm.

I made this bracelet actually for a mommy who has a baby girl. Have baby carriage charm, ballerina dress and princess crown. Combined with ladybug and butterfly charms. Plus candies charms, to sweeten life. And lilac acrylic beads to add sparkle.

Every baby girls are mum's princess.

Ballerina dress and butterfly charm.

Baby carriage and ladybug charm.

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